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Biomechanics is the system of actor training developed by legendary Russian director Vsevolod Meyerhold in the 1920's as the study of the body in motion. The method was created by Meyerhold as an alternative to Stanislavsky's system, which was predicated on the style of realism. Meyerhold's directorial style utilized grotesque, expressionistic models and decidedly non-realistic artistic approaches. However, biomechanics is as a wonderful tool for focusing physical energy and thus is useful to an actor preparing foe work in any theatrical language.



                "Over the years, Vladimir has continued his commitment

                 to biomechanics this crucial but almost lost idea of

                 contemporary theatre. He is the only person in this country

                 I would trust to teach it to my actors and students."


                                                                      DAVID CHAMBERS -

                                                                                PROFESSOR OF DIRECTING

                                                                                YALE SCHOOL OF DRAMA



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